InfoSec Cyber Security Services

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Organizations always race to implement the latest security solutions and systems, often overlooking critical security loopholes and deficiencies discovered later by today’s persistent and proficient attackers. Our Raya IT Security Team employs a “defense in depth” mechanism, using multiple security countermeasures to create a multi-layered defense system that is able to stand strong against security attacks and thus protecting your information assets.


Raya Security Services Team preforms vulnerability assessment on Network, Servers, systems & applications using industrial best practice methodologies (such as: NIST).

Our Assessment starts from simple scanning to manual enumeration till digging deep to the configuration level.

Key benefits
  • Vulnerability Identification and Mitigation: A comprehensive security assessment will identify not only network vulnerabilities but also vulnerabilities in policies and procedures.
  • Preparation for Future Incidents: The results of the security assessment should encourage improvements in incident response procedures that will reduce the time to identify and respond to incidents.
  • Reduce costs of recovery: By mitigating potential risk to critical assets.


Raya Security Services Team preforms Penetration Testing on the level of Network, Server OS & Systems.

Raya Security Services Team uses approved methodologies and knowledge (such as: EC-Council, SANS, Offensive Security). Our Testing varies from external to internal & from Black to white testing

Key benefits
  • Improved Understanding of Threats and Attack Vectors:
    A comprehensive security assessment should also include penetration testing.
    A well-documented penetration test is an excellent way to gain insight into the current threat agents and attack vectors.
  • The penetration test can identify new threats not included in the risk assessment. An improved understanding of the threats, threat agents, and attack vectors should improve the controls used to protect against those threats and threat agents resulting in an overall reduction of risk.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Raya Security Services Team preforms Application Penetration Testing covering Web Applications, Desktop/Standalone & Client Server applications.

Raya have developed its methodology base on proven knowledge (such as: OWASP, SANS) as well as experience with major organizations.

Key benefits
  • Most site owners underestimate the danger and overestimate the cost of securing their sites and servers against attacks.
    Having a site taken down by malicious activity costs days’ worth of lost sales and thousands of dollars in IT time.
  • Spend a tiny fraction of that investment on the security of your site and equipment and get many times that in return.
  • Address the hidden concerns that nearly all online shoppers have:
    • 87% of online shoppers are concerned about credit card fraud
    • 85% of shoppers are concerned about identity theft
    • 83% are concerned about sharing personal information
    • 77% are concerned about spyware


Raya Security Services Team preforms Risk Assessment based on different methodologies (OCTEVE, NIST, ISO27K5).

Key benefits
  • One of the most difficult and important challenges for CIOs or IT Managers is how to effectively invest in security so an acceptable security level is reached. And the answer to this is preforming a risk assessment.
  • The main objective of the Assessment is to provide the management with a clear view for the security posture & organization risk appetite that is understood by both Business & Technical sides. So they can take decisions easily and solve conflict between business needs and technical capabilities.
  • Such Service is important to be done on annual bases so the management can decide its strategy for the next year and evaluate its strategy for the previous year. Also it is important to be performed before conducting compliance (such as: ISO27k)

Penetration Testing

WiFi networks are one of the essential parts of any organization and securing it requires special attention. Wireless access points provide a simple way for hackers to penetrate your internal network. Wireless penetration tests evaluate the risk related to potential access to your wireless network.